"Many members of the general public have not had the opportunity to see contemporary dance and ballet performed at that level - if at all. Our sincere thanks to the dancers for sharing their incrediblel talent and energy." - Karin Bacon, President CityActivators Inc.
Our classes typically 40-50 minutes long (or the length of a class period, but can be adjusted) // They are best suitable for grades K-12 and provide excellent tools to teach your students how to watch the performing arts in a thoughtful manner // Our performances are led by Peridance Contemporary Dance Company, Peridance Youth Ensemble, or other affiliated performance groups you select // Various styles of dance shown through the performance, including Ballet, Contemporary, Salsa, African Dance, Hip Hop, and more // Group participation following the performance, where all students learn basic improvisational and compositional exercises based off the pieces shown // Q&A Session includes a discussion with the dancers about the history and compositional elements of the pieces shown and about the life of a dancer in New York City!
This Lecture and Demonstration program is designed to give students an interactive contemporary dance experience that is current, informative and fun; promoting confidence in their ability to generate movement.
Students develop questions that explain the depth of their thoughts in the choreography and conversation with the dancers.
Dancers engage the students through a performance and choreography exercise. In small groups students prepare their own choreography based on what was learned.
After sharing their thoughts with other students, the students will individually prepare their own choreography based on what was learned.
The program is separated in to three levels, kindergarten through fifth grade, sixth grade through twelfth grade and adults (18+) - College and University students. We begin with a residency and conclude with a company performance that features choreography from our current repertoire. The daily conversations and thoughts from the students will open the conversation to a formal Q & A session.
This program can be translated into Italian, Hebrew, French, Tagalog, Korean, Spanish, and Portuguese by our dancers.